Some interesting notes from this compilation are
- The first time the bakery shows up in the business listings is 1911.
- The bakery at 1811 Washington shows up in the 1914 directory, with the name of the bakery being "Mrs. Ninnie L. Baird".
- Bessie Baird works at the E. E. Fosdick company, matching a section about Bessie in "The Mrs Baird's Story".
- Deward Baird moved out of the house, two streets over and a block south by 1916.
- W. Hoyt Baird was a clerk at the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway.
- A "Norman Baird" shows up in the 1916 directory.
- By 1916, W. Hoyt Baird quits his job at the railway and becomes a driver for the bakery.
- The name of the bakery in 1916 and 1918 appears to be "Mrs N L Baird".
h. 1015 Cactus
Baird Deward, hlpr, h. 1015 Cactus
Baird Ninnie (Mrs. W. A.), bakery, 1015 Cactus, r.
same, Ph. Rosedale 1511
Baird William A., r. 1015 Cactus. 8
Business Section
Baird Ninnie Mrs., 1015 CactusBaird Bessie O. Miss, steganographer, E. E. Fosdick &
Co., h. 1015 Cactus.
Baird Deward C., baker, h. 1015 Cactus.
Baird Hoyt, clk, Ft. W. & D. C., h. 1015 Cactus
Baird Ninnie (wid. W. A.), bakery, 1015 Cactus, r.
same, Ph. Rosedale 1511
Baird Bessie O. Miss, steno E. E. Fosdick & Co.,
bds 1015 Cactus.
Baird Deward C., baker Mrs. Ninnie L. Baird,
res 1015 Cactus
Baird Ninnie L. (wid Wm. A.), baker, 1811
Washington, res 1015 Cactus.
Baird W. Hoyt, clk Ft. W. & D. C. Ry, bds 1015
Business Section
Baird Ninnie L., 1015 Cactus
" Deward C. baker Mrs N L Baird, res
1917 S Henderson
" Ninnie L. (wid Wm A), bakery 1811
Washington av, res 1015 Cactus
" Norman, baker, bds 1015 Cactus
" Roland, baker Mrs N L Baird, bds 1015
" W Hoyt, driver Mrs N L Baird, bds 1015
Business Section
Baird Ninnie L. Mrs. 1811 Washington
" Deward C, baker Mrs N L Baird, res
1106 W Bois d'Arc
" Ninnie L (wid Wm A), bakery 1811
Washington, res 1015 Cactus
" Roland, baker h 1015 Cactus
" W Hoyt, driver h 1015 Cactus
Business Section
Baird N. L. Mrs. 1811 Washington
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